We all suffer from gum disease once in our lifetime. Many people don’t understand why it is important to cure this and avoid this issue. Which can make gum disease poor. You can easily get Gingivitis Treatment by visiting Houston Dental Offices.
If your antibiotics are not working on gum disease you visit Dental Clinic and for immediate diagnosis of your gum disease which will let you and your dentist know what is the cause behind this. Your dentist will suggest you choose the Gummy Smile Surgery Near Me option for treating your gum which is a cure for gum disease known as the laser-assisted new attachment procedure or LANAP laser procedure.
You can search on the web for Laser Gum Surgery Near Me and get LANAP Dentist Near Me options for your gum disease but before getting into it you should know what gum disease is and what treatment options are available for it.
What is gum disease?
Many people know what gum disease is but if you are not familiar with that here is some information that will help you understand what it is.
Gum disease can be caused by:
Lack of oral hygiene
Mostly in hormonal changes
If you smoke and use tobacco
It can be genetic also
Many of you know that poor oral hygiene is the major cause of gum disease. If you don’t brush twice a day and floss every day it can become severe. It is important to get a dental cleaning once in 6 months for removing plaque buildup on teeth.
How does a LANAP Gingivitis Treatment Work?
In this procedure, your dentist will use a laser procedure for removing diseased tissue. Many of you know the old traditional gum surgery which takes 2-3 weeks for recovery also, it is not good for the people who are working. This surgery only takes 24 hours to recover properly. This means that you don’t need to suffer painfully from removing gum tissue.
LANAP Laser Procedure
Your dentist will perform the procedure by ensuring some points like:
Your dentist will examine your gums to decide the level of treatment for each tooth.
Your dentist will use a laser that is going to burst the bad, infection-causing bacteria.
You need to make sure that he is using ultrasonic scalers and other instruments to remove disease-causing tartar.
After that, your dentist will use the laser to connect gum tissue back to the root.
Your tooth Grind down part further prevents the formation of new tartar.
How much time is taken in LANAP?
The LANAP Laser Procedure tasks 60 minutes approximately but it majorly depends on how much gum disease you have. Depending on the extent of your gum disease your dentist will tell you that it will take one-two sessions to complete this procedure.
How much time taken to Recover from LANAP?
There is no serious worry you have to keep in your mind, you can leave after your procedure on the same day., it will cause you normal pain. The recovery time for this procedure is 24 hours which is faster than normal gum disease surgery.
We hope you liked this article and it was somewhere a help for you if you want to get treatment for your gum disease visit Houston Dental Offices.