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15455 Memorial Dr #400 Houston, TX 77079

Phone: 281-558-3759


How Do You Get Rid Of Gingivitis?


In today’s era, around 50% of the population is suffering from dental problems. And one of the most common among them is gingivitis. Many a time it would not cause any problems, but sometimes it spread among the other parts of the body. The medical term inflammation of the periodontium is periodontitis. By that time periodontitis may happen to the loose teeth. Good oral health helps to prevent the signs of gingivitis. The proper cleaning of the teeth is the best treatment done by a Memorial City Dentist or at least slow down the progress of periodontitis. Further, it is vital to hold on to have the proper care of the teeth after having treatment, to avoid periodontitis from getting the situation worse.

What is gingivitis?

It is an inflammation of the gums, commonly occurred by bacterial infection. When left untreated, it can lead to a serious infection known as periodontitis. Periodontitis and gingivitis are the two main causes of tooth loss in adults, as per the American Dental Association.

The acute and early gingivitis treatment Memorial City is the dental cleanings conducted by the professional and skilled dental hygienist. It is in conjunction with the regular examining and diagnoses by a licensed dentist which is commonly performed and needed.

While there are few cases, where the gingivitis has become critical, aggressive, or is being diagnosed with the ANUG or juvenile gingivitis treatments, a periodontist is required to support the treatment and reverse the disease in the dental clinic.

What causes gingivities?

Following are the list of causing gum diseases stated by the Houston Dental Clinic-

  • Illness

  • Changes in hormones

  • Poor oral hygiene

  • Bad oral habits

  • Hereditary dental diseases

What are the signs and symptoms of gingivitis?

Some of us still do not know about the early signs of gingivitis. It is possible to have gingivitis without the signs also. Although the following is the sign of gum diseases -

  • a difference in how your teeth fit jointly when you bite (malocclusion)

  • partial dentures that no extended fit

  • gums that have drawn away from the teeth

  • sensitive teeth

  • pus between your teeth and gums

  • gums that bleed when you brush or floss your teeth

  • loose teeth

  • foul-smelling breath that doesn’t go out after you brush your teeth

  • gums that are red, tender, or swollen

  • pain when munching

How is gingivitis treated?

Gingivitis treatment aims to encourage healthy gums to teeth, diminish the swelling, depth of the pockets, and the chances of infections, and prevent the development of diseases. The treatment choices rely on the stages of the diseases, although if you have not responded to other treatments and the overall health. The options would range from the non-surgical medicines that control bacterial growth to surgery to return the supportive tissues. A full explanation of the several treatment choices is facilitated by the gingivitis treatment dentist near me.

The Takeaways!

Hopefully, the above article has made you understand everything about gingivitis. If you want to go for gingivitis treatment or any other dental procedures such as the LANAP procedure. Then do contact our dentist of laser dentistry.


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